The Sample

Global BABIES will generate a video corpus containing 1000+ hours of mother-child activity, house tours, 3D renderings of the home, and parent-report questionnaires. The full corpus will be openly shared on Databrary. Excerpt visits are currently available on the Global BABIES Databrary volume. The goal is to sample from all continents. Participant families will vary widely on race, ethnicity, home language, religion, urban/rural/suburban residence, and developing nation status.

The Sites

Each Global BABIES site is responsible for outreach to their community to enroll interested families, visit homes to film mother-child natural activity, and upload videos to their Databrary volume—with each site collecting data from 100 mother-child pairs.

Databrary Institutions & Current Global BABIES Sites

Blue markers indicate Databrary partnered institutions. Red markers indicate current Global BABIES data collection sites.

Anticipated Future Global BABIES Sites

Yellow markers indicate proposed future Global BABIES sites—previous research partners of the leadership team.

Inclusion Criteria

Although Global BABIES endeavors to sample as much of the rich variations that the collection sites present. To ensure a sufficient sample size, we will limit variability along several dimensions. To be included in the final sessions, participants must:
- be between 11-25 months of age
- be born full-term (at last 36 weeks), of normal birth weight (>= 5.5 lbs), without known disabilities
- have the mother act as the caregiver during the one hour of natural activity

Workflow For Participating Global Sites

flowchart TD
  subgraph Startup ["`**Startup**`"]
    Trans("Translation & adaptation") --> Train[\"Training with BABIES team"/]
    Train --> Pilot("Piloting")
    Pilot -.-> Train
    style Startup fill:#e6e6ff
    style Train fill:#f0f5f5,color:#000000
    style Trans color:#000000
    style Pilot color:#000000
  Pilot ===> Collection
  subgraph Collection ["`**Data Collection**`"]
    Collect("Conduct a home visit") --> Upload{{"Curate & upload videos to Databrary"}}
    Upload --> QA[/"BABIES team QA"\] --"`**PASS**`"--> Share1[("Share session on <br/> BABIES Databrary volume")]
     QA --"`**FAIL**`"--> Share2[("Flag & share session in <br/> secondary volume")]
     QA -.->|"`**IF NEEDED**`"| Retrain[/"Retrain with BABIES team"/]
     style Collection fill:#e6e6ff
     style QA fill:#f0f5f5,color:#000000
     style Retrain fill:#f0f5f5,color:#000000
     style Collect color:#000000
     style Upload color:#000000
  Share1 ==> Proc
  subgraph Proc["`**Data Annotation**`"]
    Script("Transcribe & annotate natural activity video") --> QA2[\"BABIES team QA"/]
    QA2 --> Release[("Release videos & annotation <br/> on BABIES Databrary volume")]
    style Proc fill:#e6e6ff
    style QA2 fill:#f0f5f5,color:#000000
    style Script color:#000000